Lyme disease in dogs

By Vet Sahil Malik


Lyme disease is a bacterial disease that is also transmitted to human beings we can say that it is a zoonotic disease. Lyme disease is also known as Lyme borreliosis. It is caused by spiral-shaped bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi carried by the tick. It can be transmitted by a tick bite.

When these bacteria enter in dog’s body they enter in bloodstream and travel to all body parts. Also, cause a problem in a specific part of the body.

So that we are aware of Lyme disease because it is important to be concerned about ticks’ effect on dogs.

Symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs :

  1. Reduced energy.

2. Stiffness, Pain, Discomfort.

3. Loss of appetite.

4. Swelling of joints.

5. Fever.

6. Shifting lameness.

This disease becomes fatal when it affects the kidney. In the case of kidneys, it directly causes kidney failure. Surely in this disease, there is a serious condition that is related to cardiac and neurological effects.

Transmission: The carrier of Lyme disease is the black-legged tick also known as the deer tick or bear tick. This tick contains bacteria that is the main cause of Lyme disease.

Diagnoses – For diagnoses take your pet to a nearby vet for proper diagnosis. Your vet may suggest Blood tests mainly C6 and Quant C6 tests. This test detects the antibodies that suggest an active Lyme infection. It can be detected in three to five weeks bite after tick.

Urinalysis also helps in the treatment of this disease.

Treatment –

It includes an antibiotics course recommended by your vet.

Prevention –

1. Suspect a tick on a dog’s body daily after a walk in a park or road because can behold your dog’s paws after touching with ground or road. Surely ticks are sticks on grasses so you must have to clean or check your dog’s body after a walk from the ground.

2. If ticks are present then remove them slowly or you can use anti-tick shampoo and anti-tick soap to get rid of ticks.

3. Take your pet to a nearby vet for removal of the tick.

4. Keep your dog away from grasses because ticks are present in the grass.

5. Get your dog vaccinated.



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