Kennel cough: It is a serious disease in dogs because it is related to the respiratory tract of dogs. It may occur due to an infection in the respiratory tract. Infection may occur due to bacteria or viruses.
Kennel cough is also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis ( ITB ).
It is a type of inflammation in a dog’s voice box or windpipe. It is a common cough that also occurs in human beings. Its also related to bronchioles and is called bronchitis.
Symptoms of Kennel cough :
- Coughing with white mucus.
2. Dry cough with a honking sound.
3. Fever.
4. Nasal Discharge.
5. Gagging.
In most cases of kennel cough, there is normal coughing and the dog remains active full day.
Causes :
Kennel cough can be spread for the following reasons :
1. It can be transmitted through aerosols found in the air, through germs, dog to dog, or contaminated objects. It can also transmit from the Inhalation of the affected dog.
2. Main cause of this disease is kennel because many dogs are found in a kennel if any dog catch kennel cough then it may easily spread to all dogs.
3. This disease can also transmit from physical touch like sharing a water bowl or even greeting another dog.
4. It may be also caused by any bacteria.
5. Virus is also a cause of this disease.
Prevention of this disease is only through vaccination.
This vaccination is against parainfluenza and bordetella. Because these are the main causes of kennel cough in dogs.
This disease mostly occurs in young and unvaccinated dog
Prevention :
1. Prevention by not exposure to infected dogs. Quarantine them quickly.
2. Vaccination is the main prevention of this disease.
3. Prevent your dog from parainfluenza, bordetella, or adenovirus by the vaccine.
4. If an already dog catch this disease then vaccination is not enough for dog to save them.
5. Segregate your dog is infected with this disease.
Kennel cough treatment – If your dog may suffer from this disease then take him to a nearby vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. Following are tips that can help in treatment :
- Segregate dogs which affected by this disease or quarantine them.
2. Give steam to dogs which provide relief in the respiratory tract of dogs. Because this disease is directly related to the respiratory tract.
3. Give antimicrobial and cough syrup.
4. Eventually dog needs supportive care for this disease.
If your dog is serious then immediately take him to a nearby vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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